Today was a very productive day, if not a wet one. Spring has finally made it to the South and it is wonderful. The goats are certainly pleased with the green and the fact that I finally have enough time to move their house and clean out the paddock. Quite a bit of old hay floating about, but it will make nice compost for the garden.We've already put out our seed starters for peppers and tomatoes and they are well on their way (about 5" tall already). We've prepped our potatoes, now we just have to set up the big beds for squash, green beans, cantaloup and what have you. I think their is some old kale lingering around the edges.
All the buds are out. It looks like we'll have quite a few blueberries this year
After the goats were settled and some of the vegtable beds were prepped I wandered over to my friend's farm(TFM) to love on her new babies. She just had a lamb born today to her littlest Miniature Southdown.
Lucia had a one week old miniature horse filly
And then there were an assortment of miniature Sheltand lambs. These two were the tiniest little ones, their bodies were as big as my fist. I just can't wait to get my hands on their fleece. Don't you just want to squeeze them? She has quite a few more moms due that were bred to a Blaget Shetland ram, so it will be a suprise to see what sort of colors and patterns we get next.
And how can you not love a wooly beard.
FYI, Tanglewood Farm Miniatures is a wonderful place to visit if you are in need of a little farm time and don't have a place of your own. (
All in all it's been a wonderful Easter day. I haven't had too much time to sit and spin or felt, but with all these farm chores to do, who has any energy left? It's time to shower and chill.