Time off = fence work
Today Fern and Phlox got to explore their new paddock for the first time. Just in case they got loose I wanted to make sure they would come to me so they have been staying in the barn with Rose, my older Pygmy. They don't seem too sure about this new place.
Rose took a walk to check out the work on the fence line...
It took most of the day to clear off the fence. I bush-hogged a line close to it and then cut through 4ft of honeysuckle to snip the barbed wire off the posts. Now I just have to take the bush-hog off to attach the auger arm so I can life the t-posts and go back to bush-hog it all down. Thankfully my brother is up to helping out, the tractor is a lot easier when you don't have to hop off every few seconds to tie/untie the post.
The girls are out helping with the weeding too. They don't seem too concerned with the actual fence line, though.
And lastly, we did some log riding. I pulled a telephone pole out of our stash to use for one of the gate posts. I wish the video would load.