Sunday, May 31, 2015

Ireland! The land of Sheep!

Ireland is beautiful. You should all definitely visit. We visited the Isle of Man, Northern Ireland and Rathlin Island, And the West coast around Gallaway and Cliffs of Moher. Here are a few of my favorite pictures, I'll try to control myself.

a park in Dublin

St.Patrick's Castle on Isle of Man

The beautiful hedges of Gorse that were blooming all over Isle of Man

The view from our B+B below the Cliffs of Moher

And just a few days after getting home:
such a cutie! little boy

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Getting Fleeced

Shearing time is here

I can't say I did the greatest job, but the boys weren't easy. I think they appreciate the breeze now, but are not fans in general of the process.

a fully fleeced Truth

She loves her new 'do. Poor Truth and Grace are so old and arthritic I sheared them standing so they didn't have to stress.

Can you tell who was the one who got away? He didn't escape permanently, but by the time his turn rolled around he had found some rose bushes to run through and turn into a painful chia pet