Wednesday, December 30, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like... summer?

Southtown won't be getting a white Christmas this year for sure. 73*F and sunny. The goats and I are appreciating the warmth and extra long growing season. We have only occasionally supplemented with hay so far as we've had very few cold nights. Honeysuckle and privet are growing wonderfully (the plants, not the goats) providing plenty of forage opportunities, helped along by a bit of Christmas cheer.

Rosie O Lee Creations (our handmade felted, crocheted, and knitted gifts) had a great Christmas with lots of personalized handmade creations that were a blast to make and receive. Our little elves were pretty busy getting things done.

crocheted viking hats

an adorable newborn hat for one family's best Christmas gift of the season

black sheep crocheted hat for the black sheep in your family

a warm crocheted tassle beanie

Three hipster mice and a "Fallout" style mini nuke cat toys (the owner decided to not let her cats have them and make them into ornaments instead).

a pompom dandelion necklace for a little girl whose favorite song is "Dandelion Necklace"