Sunday, August 25, 2013

Snug as a bug in a rug

Finally! That project I talked about forever ago, it’s happening!
It’s taken me quite a while to card out enough roving for the backing to the rug, but I’m ready to go. I selected fibers of varying lengths from two fleeces (corriedale crosses) that I got a few months ago. There is a mixture of brown and white with vary shades in the brown. I wanted a very natural, rough look to the finished rug. I (very carefully and with much frustration) stood all the raw fleece pieces tip end down, trying to vary the lengths and colors and trying to create a natural wave of length like in a whole fleece (shorter pieces on the ends). Then several layers of the washed roving in perpendicular angles to each other. The final layed-out piece was nearly 8 inches tall.


I very carefully ladled hot, soap water onto the piece and slowly smashed it flat on top of the bubble wrap. I then covered it with more bubble wrap and lightly rubbed it until the piece was starting to felt.

Once the rug started to hold together on the back I rolled it up with a rubber shelf liner around it to help hold it together and started to roll. First I just sat and rolled it with my feet, but that wasn’t great and I didn’t have enough patients.
So I turned to the dryer. Tumble dry low, no heat. As it turns out, my roll was just wide enough to fit in the dryer and tumble around. I added a small towel to make sure it was knocked free from the sides while it tumbled and let it go. For the most part it stayed rolling and worked out quite nicely.
It took a few hours to dry out well, I think it was a good bit faster because the centrifugal force of the dryer. The final piece is about the size of a bath matt and I love it. I think it will end up as a cozy cushion for my office chair.


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Spinning in circles

I’ve had a little down time and have gotten back to the wheel. Mostly I am plying some reclaimed yarn from a few sweaters I bought at the thrift store. This one is a really nice green cashmere sweater that was very fine and I thought the yarn would work better for me as a Navajo-plied yarn. I think it will work nicely as a shawl, it should have a lovely drape to it.


 My other project has been to take apart some tips. We have had some of our wool made into very nice, thick socks and the company asked us if we wanted the tips that they cut off when they finish them. It is about a ½ inch bit of sock, almost like a hair tie but not elastic. We said sure, why not? Well, as it turns out there are several yards of a thin single-ply in that ½ inch and I’ve started un-knitting them and putting them on some dowels in a make-shift lazy kate. Then I’ve plied those together to make a heavier three-ply yarn. I’m not sure what will happen to it next, we shall see. It is the brown skein in the middle.


The other two are my funky art yarn that is plied with a reclaimed green cashmere yarn and a solid white, single-ply yarn from the bag of starter yarn that came with my wheel.
I should probably stop bouncing around between projects, but I can't help myself. Happy spinning everyone!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Oh baby!

I went over to help my friend for a little while, and look who showed up? Little Pixie Stix had a cute little kid just as I was visiting


Saturday, August 10, 2013

"A man on a tractor with a dog in a field"

The look of a freshly mown pasture.
 I can’t help but smile looking at it. Even with the huge hedge of privet and roses. Actually, I wish I could keep the hedge, but unfortunately a hedge doesn’t actually keep animals in and the fence under it is too old and weak to do much of anything so it all has to come down.

But we are trying to at least get some good out of the hedge while it is here. By cutting through the fence and hedge just enough to slip a chain link panel through on either end we are making portable goat grazing pen.
 There was a lovely little spider on one of the panels. I've seen a few like this so far this year, but I've never seen them before. They almost look like they are carrying a little shell on their back.

Added bonus, the panels fit nicely on the bush hog so we can move them around to different areas fairly easy.

Not a bonus- little dogs like to roll in things when they are out running around. She looks guilty.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bringing In The Sheaves


Ok, so maybe it’s not exactly sheaves I’m toting around, but look at this crop!

We started harvesting our grape and apple crop a few weeks ago and it is everywhere in our house. We only have three apple trees and two grape vines, but I couldn’t imagine having more than this. The grapes we have are tiny (maybe a problem with our willingness to prune? It just hurts to cut up the vines!) but even though they may be small they are mighty! They have an amazing amount of flavor. The best way to describe it would be to say “bright”. Yeah, I know, how can something taste bright? Well, these are, they light your whole mouth up. We’ve washed, plucked (sounds more like a chicken), boiled and mashed them and have made several pitchers full of juice to making jelly. The apples have been split between making jelly, apple butter, and pie filling. Mmmm, mmmm. I love the harvest.

Here's the grape mash. It had an interesting aroma, very woody. I presume it was because it was hot and the grape seeds were adding to the smell.


 MmmMmm good. Honestly, I didn't know home made jelly would taste this good.

 And some apple butter to boot

As the harvest has gotten slim and our determination to weed and trim has waned, the zinnias have started taking over. We left them spread through the tomatoes and green beans to attract insects, and the butterflies are feasting now. Yeah, butterflies aren’t really the main insects that we were going for, but they are nice to have around at the same time.

Little Winston, showing off his belly. I think he prefers to see the world upside down.
