Sunday, August 25, 2013

Snug as a bug in a rug

Finally! That project I talked about forever ago, it’s happening!
It’s taken me quite a while to card out enough roving for the backing to the rug, but I’m ready to go. I selected fibers of varying lengths from two fleeces (corriedale crosses) that I got a few months ago. There is a mixture of brown and white with vary shades in the brown. I wanted a very natural, rough look to the finished rug. I (very carefully and with much frustration) stood all the raw fleece pieces tip end down, trying to vary the lengths and colors and trying to create a natural wave of length like in a whole fleece (shorter pieces on the ends). Then several layers of the washed roving in perpendicular angles to each other. The final layed-out piece was nearly 8 inches tall.


I very carefully ladled hot, soap water onto the piece and slowly smashed it flat on top of the bubble wrap. I then covered it with more bubble wrap and lightly rubbed it until the piece was starting to felt.

Once the rug started to hold together on the back I rolled it up with a rubber shelf liner around it to help hold it together and started to roll. First I just sat and rolled it with my feet, but that wasn’t great and I didn’t have enough patients.
So I turned to the dryer. Tumble dry low, no heat. As it turns out, my roll was just wide enough to fit in the dryer and tumble around. I added a small towel to make sure it was knocked free from the sides while it tumbled and let it go. For the most part it stayed rolling and worked out quite nicely.
It took a few hours to dry out well, I think it was a good bit faster because the centrifugal force of the dryer. The final piece is about the size of a bath matt and I love it. I think it will end up as a cozy cushion for my office chair.


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