Thursday, July 25, 2013

Newest Project

So, I've been pondering for the last year and a half about a wet felting/needle felting project I would like to do. The first CVF Mission trip I took, our devotional was over the Beatitudes. It was a phenomenal devotional written by one of our doctors who had also gone to seminary school, and it has always been one of my favorite verses. I've been looking for about a year for a version of the verse written in the Dine language (Navajo). I had been thinking about it so long as just a project i was interested in, but earlier this year we found out the doctor who began this trip to work with the Navajo people has become seriously ill and I realized I should make it for him. He has been such a blessing in my life and a great model for walking in God's word for many veterinary students and everyone he meets.

This year, we actually had found a Dine version of the Bible and brought boxes of them with to give away, so while I was waiting one morning I copied down Mathew 5: 3-12. It takes up quite a bit of room in the Dine language, and there are a lot of unique characters that I hope I copied properly. But here is a picture of verses 3-10.

I think I would like to make a wall hanging out of wet felting and then needle felt the words over it. I haven't decided the pattern for the background, but I think I will incorporate the four main colors used by the Navajo (white, blue, yellow, black) or create a pattern like the Navajo rugs with black, white, and red. I still have to sketch it out to see how the words will work against a pattern. It may be simpler to have a solid background with patterns around the edge. I never can tell where I am going when I start a project, the wool just takes over somehow. I'll post some pictures when I actually get something together.

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